John Van Thiel The Voice of Elvis Presley

John Van Thiel - The Voice of Elvis Presley!

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John Van Thiel - The Voice of Elvis Presley!

John Van Thiel - The Voice of Elvis Presley!

John Van Thiel - The Voice of Elvis Presley!

John Van Thiel - The Voice of Elvis Presley!

John Van Thiel The Voice of Elvis Presley

John Van Thiel - The Voice of Elvis Presley!

John Van Thiel The Voice of Elvis Presley Description

John Van Thiel of Racine, Wisconsin, brings the King to life with his remarkable Elvis voice. Whether singing an early rocker, a soulful ballad, or a hip-swiveling movie tune, John has mastered the Elvis sound so well that it just might give you goose bumps.

“It’s all about authenticity. I try to sound as close to the original as possible. It’s the little touches that make the difference. The ultimate compliment for me is when people think I’m lip-syncing.”

John’s passion for singing began at an early age by watching Elvis movies on TV, but it wasn’t until recently that he began entertaining. Encouraged by an overwhelming audience response at an amateur contest he won, John entered a national competition at a Milwaukee casino and landed third place. Now he performs throughout Wisconsin, both individually and with oldies tribute shows.

Though he prefers the younger Elvis look, John loves singing all of Elvis’ material, especially some of the lesser-known songs. He portrays the King with sincerity and reverence.

Upcoming Shows

Tue, Jun 25, 2024
 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
10001 W Bluemound Rd
Milwaukee, WI 53226
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